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Created and maintained by volunteers working with the British Horse Society
New Bridleways                 

New Bridleways are regularly being added to the Definitive Map.

Once recorded on the Definitive Map, rights to use them are protected in law.

A significant proportion of the paths we ride are not official bridleways. See Ridden Paths


Anyone can get a new bridleway put onto the map if it has been in regular use for 20 years or more.

The County Council is also putting new Bridleways on the map via Creation Orders as part of the new trails it is developing.


If you are challenged on riding a particular path or track that is not a definitive bridleway, but which you believe has always been ridden without problem:

1. Inform your BHS Access Officers bhsaccesscornwall

2. Find out if other riders in your area have ridden the path and over how many years.

3. Consider preparing a Modification Order to have the path recorded on the definitive map as a bridleway. This process does require sufficient evidence to prove that the path has been used without hinderence over a 20 year period.

We will help you with the Modification Order Preparation

For the ridden paths in your area that are not official bridleways, make sure that your BHS access officers have them mapped.