
Bridleways and Byways

***** most important, **** important,    down to * meaning not really relevant.
Path No. 523/1 Map Reference: SX263785
BR from Road S of Trevadlock to Parish Boundary
CC Priority GOLD    *****  0.37 miles. Very Important Through Bridleway connecting to  528/7 
Please do give us an up to date report. 
Path No. 523/2 Map Reference: SX270787
BR from Lemalla to Parish Boundary
CC Priority GOLD    *****  0.52 miles. Very Important Through Bridleway connecting to  523/3 
Please do give us an up to date report. 
Path No. 523/3 Map Reference: SX273791
BR from Lemalla to Road S of Coquarnel
CC Priority GOLD    *****  0.24 miles. Very Important Through Bridleway connecting to  523/2 
No known problems on this Path - Do you know different?
Please do let us know. 
Path No. 523/16 Map Reference: SX263821
BW from Polyphant Green to Road W of Hicksmill
CC Priority GOLD       **  0.10 miles. Byway in Polyphant 
No known problems on this Path - Do you know different?
Please do let us know.